1. 识字快读二级的小朋友们即将步入正式小学语文教材的学习阶段,恭喜他们!
2. 随着疫情解封,越来越多的家长关心实体课的安排。现阶段,我们的实体课和图书馆正在筹备中,作为过渡期的户外活动,欢迎大家参加每周一在Ashton Park举办的户外活动,详情见海报。
My fun Chinese design for non-native speakers.
My Fun Chinese and Inquiry of Chinese courses are carefully designed and conducted. The lessons start with an entirely new roadmap of Chinese language learning and are taught under the innovative SREM theory and methodology. All selective materials and fun activities are adopted for the young learners enriched Chinese language learning. Theme-related songs & rhymes, stories, arts & crafts, and the Total Physical Response approaches will be full applied for enhancing the class’s performance.

5月15日 (星期六)20: 15 中文学习交流会,免费,任何人可以参加,我们会尽力帮大家排除中文学习的难点。
会议号:872 7668 7998
每个月最后一个周日,线上中文角活动展开中,对所有3岁以上说中文的小朋友开放,活动15RMB,报名表点击打开(报名后请联系wechat:yingluzhanguk获取zoom ID)
每周一在Ashton Park 16:30 - 17:30 会开展户外中文活动,免费参加。
Every Monday 16:30 - 17:30 free Chinese Activities including storytime, game, singing, etc. at Ashton Park, Sale, free to pop up.

