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International Education > Winter & Summer Camp
Winter & Summer Camp
Authentic experience of British private school boarding life and core academic courses
Why should children attend winter camp?
Help students adapt to foreign class modes and language environments in advance
Improve independence and autonomy and cultivate teamwork skills
Improve English proficiency in an immersive English environment
Expand your horizons and experience exotic customs and customs
Break Camp
When school’s out, break camps are in! Here you can find information on our Dates and Rates for the current year's programs. Please select a program below to proceed.

Decide on a university or college and courseComing to study in the UK is your opportunity to gain the skills, outlook and confidence you need to fulfil your potential. To ensure you choose the course that is right for you and for what you want to achieve, it is best to read as much as you can about the range of courses, colleges and universities available and compare them. It is also important to check the course entry requirements. You can do this using our course search tool, or the course profiles on the institutions' websites. If you have any questions, you can contact the university directly, who will be very happy to help you find the information you need.
Register and applyUndergraduates Applying for an undergraduate course in the UK is simple; there is one place where you can register and apply to all of the UK universities and colleges – you register and apply through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). Postgraduates Postgraduate courses in the UK have their own specific entry requirements and application processes, so check the individual course websites for instructions on how to apply.
Accept your offerYour university or college will contact you (usually via email) to tell you whether or not you have received an offer to study. If you applied via UCAS it's easy to track the status of your application at any time. If you are accepted with an unconditional offer, then congratulations! You have a place and you can accept straightaway. If you are accepted with a conditional offer, the place is yours as long as you meet a few extra requirements. This could be achieving certain exam grades or English language test scores. For some courses you may be asked to come for an interview before you receive your offer, either on the phone or sometimes in person. Check the course information before you apply to find out whether this is required.
Arrange fundingNow is the time to arrange funding. You may be eligible for one of the many scholarships available to help with the cost of your studies.
Apply for a visaAs an international student, you are likely to need a visa to take up your study place in the UK.
Prepare for your stayOnce you have your offer and your visa, it's time to get packing! You can now begin to look at things like flights, accommodation and anything else you will need to help you make the most of your time in the UK.
How many Children can you teach?We can teach up to 15 children per half hour, back to back totalling an hour.
Is there a minimum booking?Yes, minimum booking is an hour per week for a term with 5 children.
Are teachers trained in safeguarding?Teachers are trained in safeguarding, also guarantee all teachers pass the DBS checks.
How much does it cost?Based on class size, generally £5.00 - 8.00 per child.
What equipment do you need?We will bring our own computer, all we need is a classroom with TV projection, interactive whiteboard.
Do Children need basic understanding of Mandarin Chinese?Not at all. MY FUN CHINESE is designed to delivery Layered Curriculum for mix native & non-native speakers in one class to help children perform their learning by using different learning styles based on their own interests and needs.
What age groups do you teach?We have programmes for Babies, Toddlers & Pre-schoolers. For how we work In-line with the EYFS framework, please click to read more.
Can we include your logo on our website?Yes of course! Get in touch with us to send you a media pack. Please Email to
How many Children can you teach?We can teach up to 20 children per one hour for after school club, half hour for Lunch club or embedded instruction.
Do you teach over half terms?This is optional, we can exclude half term or we can teach over half term. In general, we will be consistent with school teaching scheme. Here is an example of one of our teaching scheme.
Is there a minimum booking?Yes, minimum booking is an hour per week for a term with 5 children.
Are teachers trained in safeguarding?Teachers are trained in safeguarding, also guarantee all teachers pass the DBS checks.
How much does it cost?Based on class size, generally £5.00 - 8.00 per child.
Do Children need basic understanding of Mandarin Chinese?Not at all. MY FUN CHINESE is designed to delivery Layered Curriculum for mix native & non-native speakers in one class to help children perform their learning by using different learning styles based on their own interests and needs.
What equipment do you need?We will bring our own computer, all we need is a classroom with TV projection, interactive whiteboard.
What age groups do you teach?We have programmes for children from reception up to year 6. Normally we separate students as Infant ( reception - year2 ) & Junior (year 3 - year 6) group. For how we work In-line with the EYFS framework, please click to read more.
Can we include your logo on our website?Yes of course! Get in touch with us to send you a media pack. Please Email to
如何注册网站?网站注册成功后。请在右上角Profile中如图示,将账户设置为孩子的资料。 这样便于老师在后台区分账户,以及便于站内交流和我们发放奖品,添加勋章,优惠信息和课件。 每个月都会有不同的勋章可供孩子收集,出勤率,作业完成情况,上课发言活跃度等都有综合考量。 勋章会直接显示在会员账户名称下方(如上图【优秀学员】勋章)
如何购买课程?点击【课程订阅 Subscribe】,注册成功后,选择相应的不同方案。 每个月的课表会在 【最新活动 News】和订阅邮件中,请注意查询。 我们以收据编号为准预留位置,实体课和网课的购买流程一致。 在付款页面,请在Notes一栏注明孩子的姓名和报名课段,老师收到回执后会进一步联系确认的。 有时由于各种原因,可能会发生自动退订,请及时联系我们重新设置即可。
如何下载课件和作业?1. 点击【课件 Resource】,输入专属密码,登录账户。 2. 打开相对应课程的文件夹。 3. 根据课程的日期和时间,下载课件或者作业。 和微信传输比起来,网站的课件和作业永不过期,系统化,可以根据自己的学习进度复习之前的内容。
如果我想在孩子学校申请开设中文After school club 该如何做?在孩子的学校开设中文After school club是 苗苗语文的一大创举。 根据我们总结的分层级教学方法,让母语和非母语的孩子在同一课堂融合性进行学习。可以完美照顾每个孩子的个体发展需求,让每一个孩子实现自己的学习目标。 全新的中文学习思路,在创新的 SREM 理论和方法下,让孩子很快进入听说读写四维度全面发展。 我们的课程计划符合 EYFS 框架,因为我们知道支持幼儿的心理、社交和身体发展的重要性,让孩子在学校环境中对中文产生兴趣。 根据我们的经验,年幼的孩子学习和适应双语的速度更快。学习普通话并不难,通过视觉幻灯片、歌曲、游戏、肢体动作、手势和有趣的故事引导的冒险等刺激,孩子们可以获得自信、自信、独立和适应力。 和自己的同学一起学习中文,可以让华裔孩子,在学校增强归属感,和其他孩子产生同理心,对自己的文化产生自豪感。 当孩子们可以普通话和英语互相交流,通过积极的关系来建立彼此的友谊、信任和支持。孩子们将对不同的文化和社区持开放态度。 在中华传统重大节日时,孩子们有自信组织更加丰富多彩的展示活动。 通过在校学习中文,解决了家长的接送问题,节约了周末时间,有效利用课余时间。 以下是课时:我是谁(Who I am)母语(左)和非母语(右)小朋友不同的功课纸。 我们有经验和能力在学校混合班级中,让每一个孩子实现自己的学习目标。 如果您希望在孩子的小学开设中文课程,请联系微信:yingluzhang 或者 kitty5914565 也可以发送邮件进行咨询
两个孩子要注册几个账户?一个账户即可。 用户名那里可以更新为两人的名字 XX & XX 【我的账户】那里放一个娃的名字即可。 如果孩子希望有自己的账户,分别注册也可以。这样使用我们的社区和BBS功能时更加有趣。
可以上传视频和图片吗?可以的,在自己的页面【个人资料】处上传,记录学习足迹,是一件非常有意义的事情。除了自己的页面,还可以发布在论坛。 在会员页面,可以上传孩子的作业 图片格式和视频都支持。 也可以作业直接微信发给老师。 每一次交作业都可以赢取积分。 一次作业一个积分。 分别对应不同奖项。
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