(1 Corinthian 13 v 13)
爱 | 希望 | 宽恕 | 感恩 | 尊重 | 正义
Vision Statement for St Paul's Church of England Primary School
‘Flourishing in Faith, Hope and Love’
(1 Corinthian 13 v 13)
The vision of St Paul's Church of England Primary School is to serve our community by delivering the highest quality education and creating an ethos that values and welcomes every individual into a safe, inclusive, caring, respectful, aspirational, and joyful environment. We aim to inspire all to flourish and realise their full potential through a holistic approach that celebrates bravery and innovation, guided by the Christian foundation of our school.
Our vision is underpinned by our Christian values of (Please click on the values to see our vision in action):
Love | Hope | Forgiveness | Thankfulness | Respect | Justice
We will achieve our vision by:
Inspiring all individuals to achieve their full potential and flourish
Offering a progressive, balanced, and aspirational curriculum
Collaborating to provide an education of the highest quality within the framework of Christian belief and practice
Cultivating an awareness of the spiritual dimension of life
Nurturing care for each other and the world created by God for us all
Being inclusive and respectful of all stakeholders
Celebrating diversity and promoting equality
Our path will be one of collaboration and adaptability, allowing for continual development and growth with numerous twists and turns along the way.
在2025年1月31日大年初三,苗苗语文的新年工坊(Chinese New Year Workshop)走进了英国本地的St Paul's C of E Primary School。胡老师与苏老师为Nursery和Reception的小朋友们带来了精彩纷呈的中国新年的故事与传统活动。
On the third day of the Chinese New Year, 31st January 2025, MM Chinese Club visited the UK local St Paul's C of E Primary School. Ms Hu Ms Su from MM Chinese Club brought the exciting and engaging Chinese New Year stories and traditional activities for the Nursery and Reception children.

在上午的课堂中,胡老师先从最为实用的“新年好(Happy New Year)”开头,让英国小学生们能够知道如何用中文向朋友和家人互相道贺新年的祝福。接下来,胡老师用视频展示了中国的新年特色活动舞龙 (Long Dance)并讲解了舞龙的基本方法。并由苏老师向同学们展示了单人舞龙的方式。在老师们的引导下,同学们可以在教室中根据口令完成站与蹲的动作,让龙在空中高低飞舞。接下来,同学们在操场上几人一组,控制一段龙的身体。在14组小朋友的努力下,大家成功的让龙在空中盘旋飞舞。大家相互配合,进行一场精彩的团队合作。
In the morning class, Ms Hu began with the most practical words “新年好(Happy New Year)” for students to know how to say New Year's greetings to friends and family in Chinese. Next, Ms Hu showed students the 舞龙 (Long Dance), a special activity of Chinese New Year, and explained the basic methods of performing. Ms Su also showed students how to do a solo Long Dance. Under the guidance, the students can complete the action of standing and squatting according to the command in the classroom, to make the Long fly up and down. Next, the students work in groups on the playground to control different sections of Long’s body. With the efforts of 14 groups of children, we successfully let the Long fly in the air. Everyone cooperated tightly and made a wonderful teamwork.

在下午的课堂中,胡老师向同学们分享了中国龙和西方龙的区别,并向同学们介绍了中国的12生肖。学生们不论年龄和年级,都展现出了出色的学习与发音能力。大家都踊跃发言,积极的猜测12生肖中的动物。老师们鼓励同学向自己的家人介绍中国龙的传说和蛇年新年,并向同学们示范了龙与蛇的中文发音,鼓励学生们模仿学习。最后为了让学生们更深入地了解中国独特的文化,沉浸式享受蛇年新年。胡老师带领大家学习了一首新年儿歌《新年好》。“新年好呀,新年好呀,祝福大家新年好……” 同学们积极踊跃的学习歌词,大家在欢快的歌声中结束了课堂。
In the afternoon class, Ms Hu shared the difference between the Chinese Long and the Western dragon and introduced the 12 Chinese zodiac signs to the students. The students demonstrated excellent learning and pronunciation skills regardless of age and grade level. Everyone spoke enthusiastically and guessed the animals in the 12 zodiac signs actively. The students were encouraged to introduce the Chinese legend of the Long and the Snake New Year to their families. Hence, Ms Hu demonstrated the Chinese pronunciation of the dragon and snake, encouraging students to imitate and learn. Finally, to let the students immerse in the New Year atmosphere of the Snake. Ms Hu introduced a New Year children's song, "Happy New Year". “Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year to you all…” The students actively studied the lyrics, and everyone ended the class with a happy song.
