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2023 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节庆祝活动

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

MM Chinese Club is delighted to announce that we are participating in this year's Dragon Boat Festival, at Salford Quays,Manchester. This is a major annual Chinese Festival and takes place over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, 17th and 18th June.

非常荣幸,我们受邀出席曼彻斯特龙舟节的庆祝活动,苗苗语文课学员将有机会表演儿歌《庆端午》,此活动时间是2023年6月17-18日,地点在英国曼彻斯特索尔福德市Salford Quays。

Pupils, parents and friends of MM Chinese Club are cordially invited to come along to the festivities.

You can either simply turn up and watch the festivities.

Or, you can actively participate in the festivities!


If you wish to actively participate, then you need to join one of the MM Chinese Club Weekend classes beforehand, to practice singing a Chinese song, and learn some other Chinese cultural activities.

如果您的孩子目前在校内after school课堂学习,欢迎他们前来我们的周末班学习这首儿歌并与我们一同感受中华文化的魅力,参与我们的文化特色活动。

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